
Do you love food? Do you like food that makes you feel good? Then you've come to the right place! Here you will find my adventures in vegetarianism with pictures and recipes for you to try in your own kitchen. Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Looooong Day!

So, if you're not aware, I teach Kindergarten to 20 wild, intelligent, and testing 5 & 6 year old.  Today was one of those days in which I had to contact 3 parents after school hours... ugh!  No fun!  My husband, Nick, is sick and moping around the house.  My energy is lacking and I want something filling in my belly.

We made a trip to the grocery store after work because Nick wanted soup to eat while he recuperates at home tomorrow and I needed 2,000 Fruit Loops (20 kids x 100 fruit loops each).  Why?  Well, because tomorrow is the 100th day of school and we are making Fruit Loop necklaces with 100 loops per string- DUH!  Yay!  Isn't Kindergarten fun??!  Well, it is :)  So back to the grocery store trip:  I was wandering around and found myself in the frozen food aisle, drooling over Amy's Organic food products.  A tortilla bake caught my eye, and viola!  I was inspired for dinner!

My kitchen is overflowing with veggies so I pretty much made up this recipe on a whim, using whatever I thought sounded good with what I could scrummage up.

Oh, and I will give you the recipe but I'm not going to be all exact and stuff...  I don't cook like that when I make things up.  Hope you don't mind :)

Easy Tortilla Bake:

8ish tortillas  (I used up my little round corn ones and used some whole wheat ones to finish the job.)
Sauce (I used marinara b/c it's what I had.  I will use enchilada sauce next time)
Veggies for filling (I used corn, black beans, spinach, onions, red pepper, canned green chile peppers, and garlic)
Cheese for topping (If you feel so inclined)


Preheat oven to 375 degrees.

Meanwhile cut up and saute veggies together until softened.  Use EVOO or water if you're watching your fat intake.  Season the veggies if you'd like during this step.  It's better to add salt while cooking than after.  I didn't add any, only some chipotle powder for a little kick!

Line a baking dish with a thin layer of sauce.

Place 1 layer of tortillas over the sauce.  Tearing into pieces to cover as much of the pan as possible.  

Spoon half of the veggie mixture over the tortillas and spread.

Spread another layer of sauce over veggies.

Layer with tortillas again, then veggies, and lastly the sauce.  

Sprinkle with cheese.

Bake uncovered for about 20 minutes (I don't know how long actually b/c I was in deep conversation with a parent).  I took it out when the cheese had browned.

Let sit for 10 minutes before cutting.

Garnish with cilantro, sour cream, hot sauce or all of the above.

Find and good show and get cozy on the couch and enjoy my friends :)

Let's pray that those crazy kids listen to Mrs. CoCo tomorrow!

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